Back to the day job


After an incredible week of sport in Toronto at the Invictus Games the UK team came home with 88 medals and 168 Personel bests but the most important stat of all is everyone from every nation gave 100% in their sport and supporting their team mates. No matter what the result on the field of play we were all winners and we all got to celebrate that at the closing ceremony. We had The Boss Bruce Springsteen, Brian Adams and Kelly Clarkson sing which was a fitting ending to a brilliant games.


With the team flying back to the UK on Sunday, I headed off to Florida and back to the day job (Nordic skiing) yes I hear you all say skiing in Florida? Well it was to get some good mileage in on the mountain boards and bikes in the sunshine before we spend the rest of the year on snow. Unfortunately for us the weather for the first four days wasn’t on our side, although it’s nice and warm the wind and rain has been terrible with many of the roads flooded but we are doing what we do best and cracking on through.


Day five and finally full sunshine 29 degree heat, time for “tops off training” sun tan lotion applied of course! The road surface here is so nice and the route runs along the coastline so the views are incredible. One thing you need to keep an eye out for though is the Crabs they are everywhere it’s quite good fun weaving in and out to avoid hearing the crunch as one goes under the wheel. Thankfully I’ve not hit any yet as I’m sure the shell or claw would cut through the tyre with ease.


After training there isn’t much to do and we're supposed to be 'relaxing' which for ex-Military that's quite hard for us to do. We have managed to get to the local high school for their Homecoming American Football game. It was insane, a crowd of about 400 people watching a kids match. The national anthem was played before the game and a brass band played at half time. If only grass root sport was supported this well in Britain.


Florida has been great with a week to go I’m hoping the sun stays and the training keeps going well. Because before we know it it’s going to be December and race day will be here once again.
